Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blogger Mail and Shiny Happy Cards!

Well sorry for the delay folks. I've been very busy with Hockey Games, Yard work and Job searching so I've found my free time to be very erratic. I have had some money with Taxes coming in and selling some things online. I've made a few purchases so let's go right in. I didn't even plan this but I Guess I'm a sucker for Refractors as every card is Shiny! This first 3 card Lot was purchased off Sports Card Forum
Starlin Castro RC Blue Refractor 194/199, Players I like PC
Brett Gardner Xfractor RC 155/199 , South Carolina PC
Lars Anderson RC Refractor Auto 341/500, Greenville Drive PC I try not to buy a lot of random cards like the Castro but That kid just tears me up , Super fun to watch! The next two were E-Bay wins!
Cory Gearrin RC Gold Refractor 29/50 I think he has some potential in the bullpen! , Braves PC
Jerry Sands Bowman Finest Refractor 75/99 This guy played in 2006 with our local and sadly defunct Spartanburg Stingers. I always loved the regular Bowman Finest inserts the refactor looks so good in person, but does not scan awfully well. I am a big Jerry Sands fan and will probably collect more of him! Last but def not least was a great package/trade with William from Foul Bunt and his son!
They were kind enough to include a lot of Braves and Napoli cards that will go to my Braves Binder. I really appreciate it and I heard that it was one of his son's first trades So I'm honored for that. I am currently almost finished looking through my stacks and stacks and binders of cards and your end will be out tomorrow! I find it awesome how many bloggers I've been able to connect with so far! I'm looking forward to many more trades!


  1. I'm glad you liked the stuff man. I hope to have more for you soon. I'll keep you posted!!

  2. You're on SCF, too? I'm topher on that board. Harass me there if you ever want to trade. I'm also known to just plain old give away cards for nothing more than a SASE on my blog (crackin' wax). Hope we can do some card swapping!
